How to Bleed a Hydraulic Clutch on a Corvette

How to Bleed a Hydraulic Clutch on a Corvette

The Chevrolet Corvette has been available with a manual transmission in many different model years. The transmission uses a clutch to engage and disengage the transmission from the engine for gear changes. A slave cylinder uses hydraulic fluid to apply pressure to the pressure plate. Proper operation of the clutch requires the removal of air from the hydraulic system. The clutch should be bled to remove the air when the clutch pedal is difficult to engage or a fluid replacement is performed.

Things You'll Need

  • Wheel chocks
  • Floor jack
  • Jack stands
  • Clear plastic tubing
  • Empty bottle
  • Wrench
  • Brake fluid
  • Place the wheel chocks in front and behind the rear wheels to keep the Corvette from moving. Set the parking brake to secure the rear wheels from moving.

  • Raise the Corvette with the floor jack and use the jack stands to secure the vehicle before performing work under the car.

  • Open the hood and locate the clutch master cylinder, located on the firewall. Remove the cap from the master cylinder and fill to the maximum mark with new brake fluid.

  • Attach one end of the clear tubing to the bleeder screw on the slave cylinder. Insert the unattached end of the clear tubing into the empty bottle.

  • Have an assistant sit in the vehicle and press the clutch pedal to the floor. Using a metric wrench, loosen the bleeding screw on the slave cylinder. Tighten the bleeding screw after the clutch fluid ceases to flow from the slave cylinder.

  • Repeat Step 5 until air bubbles are no longer visible in the clear tubing, when the fluid is flowing through the tubing.

  • Tighten the bleeder screw on the slave cylinder and remove the tubing from the bleeding screw.

  • Fill the clutch master cylinder to the maximum mark with new brake fluid. Attach and tighten the cap on the master cylinder reservoir. Close the hood and have your assistant exit the Corvette.

  • Lower the vehicle from the jack stands with the assistance of the floor jack. Remove the wheel chocks and release the emergency brake.