Edelbrock manufactures lightweight aluminum two-piece carburetors that feature basic tub-style bowls and pivoting floats. The floats on your Edelbrock carburetor regulate the amount of gas that circulates through the carburetor. If they are not properly adjusted, the air/fuel mixture going into your engine will be either too rich or too lean. The process for adjusting the floats is not extremely complicated for individuals that are familiar with the internal workings of a carburetor and its components.
Locate the airhorn cover that secures the airhorn gasket. Flip the airhorn cover over.
Bend the float lever and adjust the float level so that a 7⁄16-in. gap sits between the airhorn gasket and the upper outside edge of the float. Verify this measurement with the tape measure.
Check the float drop gap by holding the airhorn up and allowing the floats to hang.
Bend the tab located on the backside of the float drop manually until the gap between the gasket and the upper outside edge of the float measures between 15/16 in. to 1 in. Verify this measurement with the tape measure.