The airbags in your Mustang are provided to cushion your body to prevent injuries during an automobile crash. They are even capable of saving lives. Once they have deployed, they need to be replaced for safety. They may not deploy safely a second time due to possible damage to the airbag. This should be done by a professional, but you can do it yourself safely with some mechanics knowledge.
Pop the hood of your Mustang open and locate your battery. Disconnect the negative cable from the battery. This will prevent the new airbag from deploying during the installation process and causing an injury.
Open your fuse panel located on the lower part of your dash and check the diagram to locate the airbag fuse. Pull the airbag fuse out to fully deactivate the airbag system.
Unscrew and remove the steering column panels with the screwdriver. Unbolt the old airbag from the back of the steering wheel and pull it out until you see the wires. Unhook the wires from the Mustang's wiring harness.
Plug in the wires of the new airbag into the wiring harness. Bolt it in place securely behind the steering wheel. Carefully push the new airbag into the steering column and replace the panels. Screw them in snugly.
Open the glove box and unhook the straps to remove the glove box door. Unscrew the glove box itself and pull it out of the dash to access the passenger airbag. Unscrew the old airbag from the inside of the dash and pull it out. Unhook the wires from the harness. Hook the harness up to the new airbag's wires and screw it in place.
Replace the glove box into the dash and screw it in tightly. Replace the glove box door and close it. Open the fuse panel and reinsert the airbag fuse. Open the hood again to reconnect the negative cable to the battery.