The 2000 Mountaineer, which represented Mercury's first full-sized SUV, features door handles that use a traditional "lift" up hinge and not a "pull out" version. This makes replacing the handle easier due to the way Mercury mounts the handle onto the door. Although the handle itself is easy to remove, you still must remove the inner door panel to gain access to the backside of the handle to remove the door lock actuator bar.
Locate the lower left corner of the inner door panel and wedge a flathead screwdriver between the door and inner panel. Pry the corner away from the door, which will pop the retaining bracket loose. Pull the inner door panel away from the door with your hands as you work your way around the inner panel.
Remove the bolts that secure the armrest to the door. The bolts thread into the underside of the armrest. Use a socket to remove the bolts.
Pull the inner door panel away from the door with caution -- the wiring harnesses for the electronic door locks and window controls will still be connected.
Pull the retaining clip off the metal bar that connects to the side of the door handle. You can locate the handle through an access panel cut into the sheet metal on the inside of the door. Use a pair of pliers to pull the retaining clip off. Pull the bar free of the door handle.
Lift up the door handle on the outside of the door and remove the two bolts that secure the handle to the door using a wrench. Pull the handle off the door, replace with the new handle and secure with the two bolts and wrench.
Place the bar into the backside of the door handle and secure it with the retaining clip and pliers.
Place the inner door panel back onto the door, and press the retaining clips into the sheet metal on the door.
Place the armrest onto the door. Secure it using the bolts, socket and ratchet.