The power train control module, or PCM, is an essential part of the engine control system on the 1996 Ford Explorer. The PCM is located under the hood near the blower motor on the passenger side of the engine compartment. The PCM monitors various sensors and makes necessary adjustments to increase engine performance. The power train control module can also store error codes that are helpful in diagnosing problems if the instrument panel check engine light comes on.
Open the hood and prop it open if necessary. Disconnect the negative battery cable with a combination wrench. Disconnect the positive battery cable and wait two minutes before continuing the procedure.
Locate the bolt securing the large wiring harness to the PCM. Remove the bolt with a socket wrench. Disconnect the electrical connector from the PCM and lay aside.
Remove the two PCM mounting bolts with a socket wrench. Pull the PCM out of the firewall with your fingers to remove it. Store it in an anti-static bag if necessary.