The turn signal switch is a relay to operate the signal lights at the front and rear of the car. When electrical difficulties occur in these switches it is usually necessary to replace the switch assembly. In order to avoid being a safety hazard as well as costly tickets for improper turn signal operation, repair the turn signal switch as soon as you discover it is inoperable.
Read through the instructions for your turn signal assembly in the auto repair manual for your vehicle such as Chilton's or Haynes. Purchase the correct part for your turn signal assembly, and determine if any special tools are needed to remove your steering column cover.
Disconnect the negative battery cable.
Remove the lower steering column cover using the phillips screwdriver according to the instructions in your manual. Steering column covers are installed individually for each type of vehicle and some require a special tool to release the connectors on the column. Remove the upper cover to the steering column and expose the turn signal assembly. Take care not to disturb the ignition assembly.
Disconnect the flasher relay and electrical harness. Mark the connections with the masking tape and label with the ink pen to avoid confusion when installing the new switch.
Pull the switch assembly from the steering column.
Place the new switch assembly in place, replace the wiring harness and flasher relay.
Replace the steering column covers the way they were removed, top first then bottom. Reconnect the battery cable to the terminal, and test the turn signal switch to be sure it is operable.