High-value rims are often targeted by car thieves. Lug nut locks are the best protection for rims against theft. Their presence deters opportunity thieves. Losing the key to the lock does not mean you have to damage the wheel to remove the lock.
Place a socket onto the locking lug nut that does not readily fit over the lug. Just the tip of the lug should fit just inside the socket.
Hammer the socket into place until it is at least halfway onto the lug nut, if not all the way.
Attach the socket wrench to the socket with an extension handle attached to the wrench.
Apply steady force to the socket until the lug nut is loosened. Remove the nut the rest of the way with just the socket wrench.
Remove the socket from the wrench. Insert the tip of a screwdriver through the opening on the socket. Hammer the screwdriver through the hole to press the lug nut out of the socket.