The valve cover is essential to the preservation of an engine. This component allows the engine to run without having to worry about the constant spilling of oil. The valve cover's primary function is to stop oil from spilling onto the exhaust system which could result in a fire. A valve leak can lead to oil spilling onto the engine. The best way to fix the problem is to replace the valve cover.
Check the valve for leaks. Although the valve cover is supposed to prevent leaks, it sometimes has the reverse effect after years of use. The best way to check this is to check the gasket; which prevents leaks. However, over time they too can wear down.
Get to the valve cover. Depending on the type of car you own, this step might be simple or very difficult. Start by removing any wire or filters that are around the engine bay that cover the valve cover.
Mark the wires to make it easier to put the wires back when you are done. Tighten bolts and then observe--on the chance it might be a loose bolt that causes the leak. Tighten the bolt and watch to see if you still see leaking. Do not over tighten as this could cause the valve cover to crack.
Allow the engine to cool before removing the valve cover. Remove the bolts holding the valve cover to the engine. Disassemble the valve cover and slowly remove the cover.
Search the engine for any old or damaged gaskets; remove any of the damaged gaskets that need to be replaced. After the dysfunctional gaskets have been removed, wipe any extraneous oil from the engine bay.
Use silicone to seal the valve cover only if the user manual calls for it. Replace the valve cover with the new gaskets installed. Tighten the bolts that hold the valve cover down only to their specific torque level.
Reassemble the wires and filter that previously blocked the valve cover, in the same order they were disassembled.