The air conditioning system looks the same on almost all automobiles built after 1995 due to federal regulations on refrigerant types and on the low and high side valves used to fill the system with refrigerant. Every air conditioner has a high side valve and a low side valve. If you plan on recharging your air conditioner, you need to locate the low side valve to endure you inject the refrigerant into the correct location.
Locate the accumulator bolted to the firewall on your automobile. It usually bolts to the passenger side firewall but this is not a rule. However, it will be located on the passenger side of the engine bay. The accumulator is approximately 12-inches in length, 4-inches in diameter and has at least tow large hoses extending from it. These hoses are the high side and low side hoses.
Locate the metal portions of the high side and low side hoses. Each hose comprises of a hard-metal line and soft-rubber line secured together. The metal portion of the hose bolts to the accumulator.
Locate the low side and high side valves. They are located on the metal portion of the hose connected to the accumulator and both have black plastic caps covering them. The high side valve is a 16mm quick disconnect valve and the low side valve is a 13mm quick disconnect valve.