The Buick Park Avenue taillight assembly is accessible from within the trunk area. The mounting bolts secure the assembly behind the carpet lining. Two bulbs are in the rear assembly, the tail/stop lamp and the turn signal lamp. A cracked or damaged taillight puts your electrical system at risk if the wiring is exposed to water or other elements. Replace the assembly right away if you discover any damage.
Open the trunk of the car. Unhook the cargo net and set it aside. Turn the cargo net hook counterclockwise and remove it from the trunk panel.
Unscrew the plastic retaining screws on the trunk lining with a flat-bladed screwdriver. Pull the carpet lining back away from the taillight assembly.
Remove the three nuts inside the trunk area with a wrench. Slide the taillight assembly out away from the rear of the car.
Turn the bulbs counterclockwise to remove them from the assembly.