The knock sensor on a Chevy 2.4-liter engine is located near the rear of the engine, under the exhaust manifold. It is mounted in the engine block, near the top of the cylinder, so that it can sense any excess vibration in the engine. When the knock sensor senses vibration, it sends a voltage signal to the computer. The computer uses the signal to adjust the air-to-fuel mixture going into the engine, so that any pinging and knocking is reduced. If the knock sensor is not replaced when it malfunctions, it will cause engine damage.
Remove the negative battery cable and set it aside, ensuring that it does not touch metal.
Unplug the knock sensor's wiring harness connector by pulling the tabs away from the plug, then pulling the plug off the sensor. Unscrew the sensor from the block, using the appropriate wrench.
Coat the threads of the new knock sensor with a thin layer of anti-seize compound. Screw the sensor into the block by hand, as far as you can. Tighten the knock sensor firmly, using the appropriate wrench.
Plug in the wiring harness connector. Reconnect the negative battery cable.