How to Increase Speed in My 150 CC Scooter

How to Increase Speed in My 150 CC Scooter

You can increase your 150 cc scooter's top speed by performing routine maintenance procedures meant to ensure your scooter is operating as it should be. Additionally, you can install several aftermarket options that allow your scooter to travel more efficiently down the road. Increasing your 150 cc scooter's speed will make it a more enjoyable and safer ride.

  • Fill the tires to the specified level, particularly the rear tire. According to Russ Johnson, owner and manager of Swamp Cycles in Gainesville, Florida, the PSI specifications for your particular scooter will be located in your owner's manual or for wider-based tires on the tire's sidewall. If your tires are not inflated enough, your scooter's speed will suffer accordingly.

  • Change your scooter's oil and oil filter. This will keep your scooter's engine properly lubricated, reducing engine friction and improving your scooter's overall horsepower output. Johnson recommends changing the oil after the first 50 miles then again after every 1,000 miles if you operate your scooter frequently. If you only use your scooter during the summer months, you should change your oil at the beginning of every driving season.

  • Add a fuel system cleaner to your fuel tank. This will flush your scooter's fuel lines, allowing fuel to reach your engine faster and cleaner. Your engine will burn fuel more efficiently, improving its overall horsepower.

  • Add a windshield to your scooter. Windshields displace air around your body, which can act as a giant sail, increasing your scooter's top speed.

  • Clean or replace your scooter's exhaust system. A newly cleaned or replaced exhaust system will allow your scooter to expel the residual fumes caused by internal combustion which, in turn, allows more oxygen to reach the engine as it is burning fuel, resulting in faster and cleaner fuel consumption.