The timing on a stock Chevy 454 should be 4 to 6 degrees initial timing, 16 degrees under vacuum advance and 32 to 34 degrees of total advance over 2,500 rpm. To set initial timing on this engine, top dead center on the number 1 cylinder compression stroke is needed. The number 1 cylinder on a Chevy 454 is the forward-most cylinder closest to the radiator on the driver's side of the vehicle.
Install the remote starter switch so you can turn the engine over, by connecting one of the remote starter's leads to the positive terminal on the battery. Connect the remaining lead to the small S terminal on the starter relay. Momentarily press the remote starter button to "bump" the engine over and at the same time look at the harmonic balancer for the timing mark. The timing mark is a straight line across the balancer. Bump the engine over until the timing mark is at the 1 o'clock position as you are standing in front of the car looking at the engine. Use the white marker to highlight the timing mark line so it can be easily seen with the timing light.
Remove the number 1 spark plug using the spark plug socket. Place a finger across the spark plug hole and tap the remote starter button in short taps while you feel for the number 1 piston to come up on the compression stroke. This can be identified by high pressure air trying to escape past your finger. As soon as you feel it, stop bumping the engine.
Install a socket on the harmonic balancer bolt and rotate the engine slowly clockwise until the white line on the harmonic balancer moves to the 1 o'clock position. Look at the timing plate attached to the timing cover. Notice the top numbers are BTDC (before top dead center) followed, moving clockwise, by a V cut in the timing plate. This is top dead center. The next numbers in progression are ATDC (after top dead center) used for retarding the spark. Move the crankshaft with the socket until the white line is in the center of the V.
Install the spark plug in the number 1 cylinder and tighten with the spark plug socket. Remove the socket from the harmonic balancer and remove the remote starter switch. Remove the distributor cap using the Phillips screwdriver.
Install the distributor with the rotor tip pointing directly at the number 1 cylinder which would be the 5 o'clock position, if the distributor is not installed. If it will not drop all the way down with the rotor in this position, pull it back out and use the long common screwdriver to turn the oil pump driver rod a few degrees and try to install the distributor again. The rod can be seen in the hole for the distributor. Once the distributor is in, install the distributor hold-down clamp and loosely tighten the nut.
Place the distributor cap on the distributor but do not tighten it down. Lift it up slowly to see which terminal on the cap the rotor is pointing towards. This is the number 1 cylinder plug wire and the progression will rotate clockwise when installing the rest of the wires. The firing order for the 454 is 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2. Remember all the odd number cylinders are on the driver's side and the even numbers are on the passenger's side.
Install the distributor cap and install the plug wires in this manner. Tighten the distributor cap with the Phillips screwdriver. Connect the electrical harness connector to the distributor. With the distributor rotor pointing directly at the number 1 spark plug terminal on the cap, rotate the distributor 6 degrees counterclockwise and tighten the hold-down clamp nut using a wrench.
Place a screw in the vacuum hose to the distributor to block the vacuum for the moment. Install the timing light by placing the red lead on the positive terminal on the battery and the black on the negative. Place the plug wire end with the clamp over the number 1 spark plug wire.
Start the engine and shine the light at the timing plate on the timing chain cover. Note where the timing mark is located on the plate. You want the white timing mark on 4 degrees BTDC. Loosen the hold-down clamp on the distributor and rotate the distributor in small amounts until the white timing mark is on the 4-degree BTDC mark. Tighten the hold-down clamp nut with a wrench, pull the screw out of the vacuum hose and plug the hose into the distributor.