Replacing the dashboard lights on your 1994 Ford truck requires the removal of the dashboard bezel on the driver's side of the vehicle. As the lights are contained within the instrument panel, you will have to use a screwdriver to remove several screws from the bezel, then remove the bezel to access the lights. Although it is a simple process, it requires a good chunk of time to perform. Thankfully, a screwdriver, a socket wrench and a replacement bulb are the only items you will need to perform the dashboard light replacement on your Ford truck.
Open the hood of your Ford pickup and disconnect the battery by using a socket wrench to remove the battery's negative terminal.
Using the screwdriver, remove the two screws from the lower portion of the dashboard, near the brake pedal. Pry the panel off the dashboard.
Remove the two screws securing the instrument panel's plastic trim. Pull the trim out of the vehicle.
Tilt the instrument panel upwards to reveal the electrical connections. Unplug all three connections and pull the instrument panel out of the vehicle.
Remove the bulbs from the instrument panel and replace them with new bulbs. Reconnect the instrument panel's electrical connectors and place the instrument panel back into the vehicle. Reinstall the plastic trim and two screws.
Reinstall the lower portion of the dashboard and reconnect the battery. Close the hood.