How to Make a Custom Motorcycle Seat Out of Leather

How to Make a Custom Motorcycle Seat Out of Leather

Making a motorcycle seat using leather for the cover is a great way to give your bike a personalized custom look that will set it apart from other motorcycles on the street. If you want to use your original seat pan and seat foam, simply drill the rivets out of the underside of the seat pan and remove the old cover. Otherwise, you will need a new seat pan that will fit your motorcycle along with some seat foam.

Things You'll Need

  • Seat pan
  • Seat foam
  • Spray adhesive
  • Rivet gun
  • Rivets
  • Scissors
  • Cover the top of your seat pan with spray adhesive and then place the seat foam on top of the pan. Allow it 20 minutes to "tack" before moving on. If you are using your original seat pan and foam, skip this step.

  • Place the leather stock over the seat foam and wrap it around the pan. Rivet the leather to the back edge on the underside of the seat pan using a rivet gun and rivets.

  • Stretch the leather tight, pulling it to the front of the seat pan. Rivet the leather to the front edge on the underside of the seat pan, using a rivet gun and rivets.

  • Stretch the leather around the sides of the seat pan. Rivet the leather to the side edges on the underside of the seat pan using a rivet gun and rivets.

  • Trim the excess leather away from the underside of the seat pan using a pair of scissors.