R134a is the refrigerant uses in all vehicles manufactured in 1995 and after. This includes your Honda. Over time, the R134a dissipates from your Honda's air-conditioner and to get cold air to blow from your compressor again, you must recharge your air conditioner. You can purchase a recharge kit that consists of the R134a, a service hose and a pressure gauge from most popular auto part supply retailers.
Thread the service hose onto the bottle of R134a. Turn the valve on top of the bottle open to allow air to escape the hose. Close the valve to avoid allowing R134a from escaping the bottle.
Locate the low side valve connected to the silver hose between the accumulator and the air compressor. The valve has a black cap on it. Remove the black cap. The service hose will only fit onto the low side valve.
Place the hose onto the low side valve and turn the valve on the top of the bottle to open it.
Turn on the Honda and turn the air-conditioner on full blast. This sucks the R134A into the air compressor.
Watch the pressure gauge connected to the service hose. Close the valve on the top of the bottle when the gauge reaches 40 PSI.
Turn off the Honda and remove the service hose from the low side valve and place the black cap back on the valve.