Rear view mirrors are vital to the safety of every car and truck driver. If a rear view mirror becomes broken or falls off of a vehicle's windshield, it should be replaced as soon as possible. Fortunately, repairing a broken rear view mirror is a simple task that requires only a putty knife, adhesive and a few minutes to complete. Once a new mirror is glued into place, you will be able to use it in less than an hour.
Scrape off the excess adhesive where the broken mirror was affixed to the windshield. Use a plastic putty knife. If you can't easily scrape off the adhesive, soften it with a heat source such as a hair dryer or a heat gun. You can also simply park the car in the sun, wait until the hottest part of the day and scrape off the softened adhesive.
Clean the windshield with window cleaner and paper towels.
Mark the spot on the windshield where the rear view mirror needs to be glued back into place. You can use any kind of marker.
Apply a quick drying epoxy to the base of the rear view mirror. Stick the mirror to the spot that you marked on the windshield.
Hold the mirror into place for at least three minutes. Wait 10 minutes before touching the mirror. It will take 30 minutes for the adhesive to fully cure.