When rust forms on your Chrysler Town and Country minivan, it is important to act quickly. Rust will spread unless it is properly removed. Removing small rust when it first appears should be a part of car maintenance.
Scrub away the rust with a wire brush. You can obtain wire brushes from a hardware store.
Pour rust remover onto a paper towel. Apply the rust remover to the car's rusted areas.
Allow the rust remover to dissolve the rust. It usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes for the acid in the rust remover to work on the rust. Read the directions on the label for optimum time to leave the rust remover on the vehicle.
Use rags to wipe off the rust and the rust remover. Paper towels can also be used.
Apply a primer to the recently cleaned area with a paint brush. Use an automotive primer for best results.
Apply touch-up paint if needed to the Town and Country. Use the same color of paint as the minivan.