The key ignition for the Dodge Dynasty creates the electrical connection inside the ignition switch module needed to send the signal to the starter solenoid that starts the engine. Sometimes the key cylinder locks up and you cannot turn the ignition key. When this happens you must replace the key cylinder to correct the issue.
Remove the plastic cover from the steering column. The cover is two pieces held together by screws that thread through the bottom piece of plastic into the top piece. Remove the screws and pull the cover off. This exposes the large square ignition switch. The key cylinder connects to the ignition switch.
Remove the tamper-proof Torx screws that secure the ignition to the steering column using a tamper-proof Torx driver. You can get this type of Torx driver from your local auto part store.
Pull the wiring harness out of the ignition switch.
Place the ignition key into the cylinder and turn it onto the auxiliary position. Push the metal pin on the ignition switch in using a screwdriver and slide the ignition cylinder half way out of the ignition switch. Turn the key to the off position and slide the cylinder all the way out of the ignition switch.
Place the key into the new cylinder, slide the cylinder into the ignition switch half way. Turn the key to the auxiliary position and slide the cylinder in the rest of the way. Remove the key from the cylinder.
Press the wiring harness onto the ignition switch.
Secure the switch to the steering column using the tamper-proof Torx driver.
Place the covers back onto the steering column and secure them using the screwdriver.