A taillight is an essential part of any vehicle or motorcycle. The stock taillights on a 750 Shadow Ace are functional and extremely handy, but may not be the most aesthetically pleasing feature of the bike. It is possible to remove the stock taillight and replace it with a different one. You need only a few hand tools and 15 to 30 minutes of time.
Remove the seat from your 750 Shadow Ace. Remove the two bolts on the side of the seat with a socket wrench. Put the bolts to the side.
Find the metal bracket that holds the seat in place and remove it.
Locate the battery. Look just above it to find the rear wiring harness. Disconnect it from the wiring cluster, which will disconnect the taillight, rear turn signal and rear brake light wires from the battery.
Find the two bolts that are located on both sides of the rear fender strut. Remove them and put them to the side.
Carefully lift off the rear fender. Set it to the side.
Find the clips that hold the wiring harnesses in place. Unclip the wires from them.
Pull the taillight bracket and taillight off your 750 Shadow Ace. You have now successfully removed the taillight from the Shadow. You can now replace it with a different taillight of your choosing.