The Chevrolet Lumina is a mid-size sedan produced by Chevrolet from 1990 to 1997. The Lumina has a useful safety light that comes on when your engine oil needs to be changed. Unfortunately, it does not turn off automatically when you change the oil; the light needs to be reset manually. The process is the same for all Chevrolet Luminas that have an engine oil light.
Place the key in the ignition of the Lumina. Turn the vehicle on, but do not turn the engine on.
Press the gas pedal three times within 5 seconds. Make sure the pedal is pressed all the way down, and make sure the three repetitions are performed fully. If the light blinks twice, the system is resetting.
Turn the key to the "Off" position and then turn the vehicle back on, but still do not turn on the engine. If the light is still on, repeat the procedure. If the light is off, remove the key from the ignition.