The knock sensor on a Monte Carlo sends a signal to the engine control computer when detonation is detected, momentarily retarding the ignition timing until detonation ceases. A knock sensor keeps the ignition timing within specification. A bad knock sensor will either advance or retard the timing. This will cause your Monte Carlo to lose power or the engine will ping or knock. The knock sensor has to be tightened to the exact specified torque. If the sensor is too tight it will send a high-voltage signal, causing more spark retard than required. If the knock sensor is installed too loosely, the sensor will send a lower voltage than normal, resulting in engine detonation. The Monte Carlo knock sensor is located on the engine block above the oil filter. Use the new knock sensor from the Chevy dealer.
Jack your Monte Carlo up and place jack stands under the frame.
Disconnect the electrical wire from the end of the knock sensor. The Monte Carlo knock sensor is located on the engine block above the oil filter.
Remove the old knock sensor with a socket and ratchet. Clean the area around where you removed the sensor with a clean rag, including the threads.
Using a socket and ratchet, place the new knock sensor in the engine block near the oil filter. Always use dealer's sensors, and you will have fewer problems.
Tighten the knock sensor to the precise torque; this is critical. The torque on a Monte Carlo knock sensor is 15 foot-pounds.
Reconnect the electrical connection.
Jack your Monte Carlo up, remove the jack stands and lower the vehicle.
Clear any codes you may have by disconnecting the negative (-) battery cable for one minute and then reconnecting the cable. Road-test the vehicle to verify the repair.