If the headlight on your Toyota Land Cruiser is broken or burnt out, you need to replace it. Fortunately, the design of the front end of the Land Cruiser facilitates the process for removing the headlight, which resides inside and near the back of the headlight assembly. No special tools are needed and no extraneous parts have to be removed to complete the procedure, so you can expect to spend less than half an hour removing your Land Cruiser's headlight.
Turn off your Land Cruiser if it was on and prop open the hood.
Look behind the headlight assembly for the wiring harness powering the headlight. Disconnect the wiring harness by depressing its two side tabs and unplugging it.
Twist the weather cap counterclockwise to dislodge it from the rear of the headlight assembly.
Disengage the metal clip securing the headlight in the headlight housing by pressing the metal clip inward toward the headlight.
Pull the headlight directly out of the headlight assembly.