The passenger mirrors on most late model BMW automobiles such as the 2003 to 2005 BMW Z4 mount to a plastic post located inside of the mirror housing. The mirror lens has four metal brackets molded into the back of the lens which fit around the plastic post. The brackets allow you to position the mirror so you can see what is going on beside your vehicle when you drive. The simplistic setup of your passenger mirror makes it easy to remove it from its housing if the need for replacement arises.
Push the left side of the mirror lens into the mirror housing with your hand. With the left side of the mirror lens pushed into the housing, the right side of the lens is forced outside of the shell.
Grasp the right side of the mirror with your hand and pull the mirror off the plastic post. You will feel the metal brackets spread apart as you pull on the mirror. This is normal.
Place the new mirror into the housing. The housing forces the brackets on the mirror to center up with the plastic post inside the housing.
Push on the face of the mirror with your hand to force the metal brackets to spread apart and wrap around the plastic post. You will feel the mirror lens seat on the plastic post.