Clear Bra is a type of paint protection film used in cars to keep minor debris and residue from scratching the paint and finish of your vehicle. From the name itself, it also serves as an added protection coat for your car's paint. In cases when the coat starts to wear out, you can easily remove it and install a new coat. Removing your Clear Bra protection film is easy. You can skip paying a professional's fee by doing the task yourself.
Turn on your heat gun and slowly run it over your Clear Bra paint protection film. Start at the end of the film near the cover of the wheels or bumper, moving the heat back and forth while maintaining around half an inch distance in between the tip of the heat gun and the film.
Turn off the heat gun once the adhesive or film has loosened and lift it from the corner using your fingers. Use a plastic stick in case the corner of the film refuses to come off or run the heat gun again on the section.
Remove the entire film by slowly stripping off the adhesive from your car. Do this portion by portion until you completely remove the entire film.