How to Remove a Sideview Mirror

How to Remove a Sideview Mirror

A broken sideview mirror can be frustrating. Sideview mirrors are used to look to the rear of the vehicle when driving, so having a broken mirror can be a safety hazard as well as an eyesore. Different makes and models of vehicles will have different procedures for removing the sideview mirror so it can be repaired or replaced, but the basic steps are all the same and a little ingenuity is all it will take to figure out how to do it on any vehicle.

Things You'll Need

  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Socket wrench
  • Park the vehicle on a flat, level surface and set the parking brake. Roll down the window beside the mirror and shut off the car. If the mirror that needs removed is an electric mirror, open the hood and disconnect the negative battery cable.

  • Remove the door panel. The door panel will be held on with three to five screws that can be removed with a Phillips screwdriver or socket wrench. The screws can be found around the edge of the door and sometimes under the door handle. Once all of the screws have been found and removed, pull out on the edges of the door panel to remove it from the door. Unplug any electrical connections that may still be attached to the back.

  • Find the two to three mounting bolts that hold the sideview mirror to the door. The mounting bolts will be directly under where the mirror attaches to the door. As the last bolt is being removed, reach through the open window and hold the mirror to keep it from falling.

  • If the mirror is electrical, unplug the wiring harness from the mirror. Pull away from the vehicle to remove the mirror completely.