The Pilot LX is a midrange SUV from Honda that is equipped with stud bolts under the roof molding. Using these stud bolts, the vehicle can can hold a roof rack, which is available as an add-on accessory. With the right tools and an afternoon, you can install a Pilot LX roof rack at home. Some modifications to the roof molding are required, so care should be taken to measure carefully before making any cuts in the molding.
Pry the back end of the roof moldings loose with a plastic trim tool. Remove the molding. Remove the retaining clips in the roof rack channels from the stud bolts with needle-nose pliers.
Place the No. 1 adapter block onto the stud bolt in the front right position and secure it with two Torx bolts. Install the No. 2 adapter block behind the No. 1 block and the No. 3 adapter block behind the No. 2 block using the stud bolts. Repeat this step on the left side with adapter blocks Nos. 4, 5 and 6.
Measure the passenger-side roof molding 674 mm from the front end. Cut it with a hack saw. Install the shorter piece in front of adapter block 1. Measure 155 mm from the front of the remaining molding piece and cut. Discard that piece. Repeat this step with the driver-side molding.
Measure 623 mm from the front of the remaining passenger-side molding. Cut the molding. Install that piece between adapter block 1 and adapter block 2. Measure 75 mm from the remaining molding and cut. Discard that piece. Repeat this step with the driver-side molding.
Measure 513 mm from the remaining passenger-side molding and cut. Install that piece between adapter block 2 and adapter block 3. Measure 81 mm from the molding and cut. Dispose of that piece. Repeat this step for the driver-side molding.
Install the remaining pieces behind the rear adapter blocks on both sides.
Align the crossbar mounts with the arrows on the underside of the roof racks. Insert the crossbar mounts into the crossbars. Insert and tighten the Torx bolts and washers into the bottom of the crossbars.
Place support pads onto the adapter blocks and the roof rack onto the pads. Fasten the roof rack with the Phillips screws.
Open the hatchback. Remove the rear roof molding covers with a plastic trim tool.
Drill two holes through each cover at the scribe marks on the inside of the cover with a 3-mm drill bit. Cut the end of each cover off with a hack saw along a line through the hole closest to the end.
Remove the roof molding from both sides of the vehicle. Remove the retaining clips from the stud bolts in the roof rack channels with needle-nose pliers.
Measure the right roof molding 893 mm from the front end and cut it off with a hack saw. Measure back 130 mm and cut again. Discard that piece. Measure back 1,110 mm and cut again. Discard the remaining piece. Repeat this step on the left molding.
Install the molding clips on the molding pieces. Reinstall the roof molding covers. Reinstall the molding pieces.
Install the roof racks. Insert the Torx bolts into the holes in the racks. Tighten the bolts to 8.9 ft.-lb.
Slide the cross bars into the racks. Align the cross bar marks with the roof rack marks. Tighten the crossbar knobs.
Install a Torx bolt into the hole on the inside back of each roof rack crossbar slot. Install the roof rack end covers.