The power steering pump in your 2000 Nissan Maxima uses power from the engine to drive the hydraulic pump. Without this pump, the wheels are hard to turn while the vehicle is sitting still. It's easier to steer while the car is moving, but you will feel tightness if the pump isn't working properly. An auto maintenance novice can expect this repair to take about 30 to 45 minutes. The tools required are likely already in your tool box.
Open the engine compartment and locate the power steering pump. This looks like a black container with a lid where the accessory belt feeds through the engine.
Disconnect the hose from the power steering reservoir using the screwdriver to loosen the clamp and drain the fluid into the drain can. It's not a good idea to reuse the fluid, so you'll want to can and seal it until you are able to properly dispose of it.
Loosen the adjustment screw with a screwdriver and the power steering through bolt using a wrench. Pull the power steering belt off, noting the proper routing for replacement.
Remove the power steering union bolts and the hose using the socket and ratchet. Remove the power steering pump bracket bolts with the socket and ratchet.
Remove the power steering pump from the engine and put the new one in place.
Install the power steering pump bracket bolts and tighten them using a socket and ratchet. Install the power steering union bolts and the hose. Tighten the bolts with the socket and ratchet. Tighten the hose clamp with the screwdriver.
Loosely install the power steering adjustment screw and the through bolt. Put the power steering belt on. Tighten the adjustment screw with the screwdriver and the through bolt with the socket and ratchet. Reconnect the hose to the power steering reservoir and tighten the clamp with the screwdriver. Pour new power steering fluid into the reservoir to the full mark.