How to Connect Air Hose Fittings

How to Connect Air Hose Fittings

Compressed air is the source of power for many hand tools including drills, grinders, and spray paint guns. It is also used to inflate tires on automobiles, motorcycles and bicycles. The compressed air is supplied for use through a combination of hoses, fittings and quick-disconnect couplers. After the hose pressure requirement has been established and the proper size fittings, hose, and associated hardware have been procured, you can connect the air hose fittings in 20 minutes with a few tools.

Things You'll Need

  • Air hose fittings
  • Air house coupler
  • Air hose
  • Marker pen
  • Stainless steel worm drive hose clamp
  • Flat-tip screwdriver
  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • Thread seal tape
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Lock-jaw pliers
  • Hold the barbed end of the air fitting alongside the air hose where the hose end meets the shoulder of the fitting. The barbed end of the fitting can be identified by a series of beveled flutes designed to enter the air hose with greater ease while providing a seal to prevent leakage.

  • Use the marker pen to mark the spot on the air hose where the end of the fitting is. This mark will serve as a reference when installing the worm-drive hose clamp.

  • Place one of the hose clamps over the end of the hose intended for the barbed air hose fitting. Do not tighten the clamp.

  • Install the barbed end of the air hose fitting into the air hose. Work the fitting in completely to its shoulder.

  • Slide the hose clamp into position, centered between the mark made on the hose and the shoulder of the air hose fitting.

  • Tighten the hose clamp using the appropriate tip screwdriver until the rubber material of the air hose fills the diagonal slots of the of the clamp strap. Do not tighten the clamp to the point where the rubber mushrooms from the strap slots.

  • Wrap one and a half turns of thread seal tape around the threaded end of the installed barbed air hose fitting. Be sure to wrap the tape in a clockwise direction. This will prevent the tape from unraveling when the fitting is attached to the quick-disconnect coupler.

  • Attach the male quick-disconnect coupler to the threaded end of the barbed fitting by turning it in a clockwise direction. Use the adjustable wrench to tighten the coupler. Use the lock-jaw pliers to hold the barbed air hose fitting firm as the coupler is tightened.