The fusible links in your 1995 Nissan Maxima provide protection for the high-current electrical circuits in your car. If a short circuit occurs that causes excessive current to flow through the circuit, the fusible link will burn to prevent damage to the electrical system wiring harness. Once you've identified the source of the short circuit and repaired it, you can replace the fusible link to restore electrical power to the circuit.
Disconnect the negative cable from the battery. In the 1995 Maxima, the battery is located in the right front of the engine compartment. Loosen the 10-mm battery terminal bolt and twist the cable off the battery post.
Locate the burned fusible link. The fusible links in your Nissan Maxima are located in the fusible link box (the main fuse box) under the hood between the passenger side fender and the power steering fluid reservoir. Push the locking tab on the end of the box and lift the lid for access to the fuse links. The fuse links are large plastic blocks, similar to a normal fuse, and have a clear plastic window on top of them to inspect their condition. The copper piece in the fuse link should be one piece.
Remove the link by pulling it out of its socket using a pair of pliers. If it's the main fuse, that has two terminals that are attached to the main power block in the fusible link box with 8-mm bolts. Remove the bolts using a socket and ratchet.
Install the new link into its socket or attach it to the main power block using the 8-mm bolts. Tighten the screws securely. Reattach the negative battery cable and test drive the car to verify that the repair was completed successfully.