Plastic lenses on all late-model vehicles tend to yellow or glaze over from ultraviolet light. When this occurs, the light is diffused, seriously lowering its effective candlepower. The lenses are a complete module with replaceable headlight bulbs. They are very expensive to replace, so the alternative is to polish off the glaze. This is a simple process that restores them to original quality.
Tape the area around the headlight lens to protect the paint. Place the buffing ball (supplied in the kit) in the drill.
Spread some plastic cleaner on the buffer and buff the lenses in a side-to-side motion, overlapping with each pass. Wipe the cleaner off the lens.
Spread some plastic glaze on the pad and repeat the buffing process. Wipe the glazing compound off with a clean cloth.
Spread the plastic protector on the pad and once again buff the lenses. The protector will extend the time before you will have to restore them again. Wipe them clean and remove the tape.