How Long Can You Drive on a Bad Intake Manifold Gasket?

  • How Long Can You Drive on a Bad Intake Manifold Gasket?
    Maximize your engine's performance by repairing gasket leaks.

Stop-Leak Fixes

  • There are two intake manifold gaskets. A vacuum gasket leak is an immediate concern. However, a coolant gasket leak can be patched. Manufacturers and retailers advertise stop-leak fluids as permanent seals. This saves hundreds of dollars in repairs and allows you to drive your car for an indefinite period of time.

Dealers' Advice

  • Gasket leaks can be external and internal. The overall opinion of car dealer reps is to forget the stop-leak fluids. They can fail, leaving you with a worse situation than before. If there is a leak, there is a problem. Take immediate steps to replace any worn-out gaskets.

Bottom Line

  • Glenn Knowlton, owner of Knowlton's Thunderheads & Racing Engines in Bethel, Minnesota, says a gasket leak is complicated. Stop-leak fluids can add a few months of drive time, but are messy. Overuse can plug the heater core and cause problems in cold winter months. Get an expert opinion first.