The door panel on the Lincoln LS contains the window and lock switches as well as the inside door handle. The panel is a key component of the car’s lush interior trim and also acts as a soundproofing barrier for the passenger compartment. If any of the door’s interior components should fail, you’ll need to remove the door panel to access and replace them.
Pry out the trim covers behind the door handle with the trim tool. Remove the screws behind the handle with the Phillips screwdriver.
Remove the screw at the top trailing edge of the door panel with the Phillips screwdriver.
Remove the three screws located along the bottom portion of the door panel with the Phillips screwdriver.
Pry the door panel away from the door with the trim tool.
Insert the head of the trim tool around each trim pin holding the panel in place. Pry the pins loose with the tool.
Grab both sides of the door panel and lift it up and off the door.