Spark plugs deliver spark to the gas-air mixture inside the engine cylinder. The spark plugs in your Ford F150 should be replaced every 60,000 miles. Worn-out spark plugs will cause overheating, poor fuel consumption, and loss of power. Changing the spark plugs in your F150 can be done at home in your driveway.
Park the vehicle and open the hood. Locate the spark-plug wires. The spark plugs are located underneath the spark-plug wires.
Remove one spark plug wire at a time by grasping the end and pulling the wire toward you.
Remove the old spark plug with a ratchet and spark-plug wrench. You must turn the wrench in a counterclockwise direction to loosen the plug.
Install the replacement spark plug into the engine in a clockwise fashion, by hand. Tighten the spark plug with a ratchet and spark-plug wrench.
Attach the spark-plug wire onto the newly installed spark plug by pushing the wire onto the top of the plug. Confirm the spark-plug wire is firmly onto the plug before moving to the next spark plug.
Continue with the remaining spark plugs until all have been replaced.
Lower the hood of your F150.