How to Replace a Rear-view Mirror on 98 Chevrolet S10

How to Replace a Rear-view Mirror on 98 Chevrolet S10

You can replace the rear-view mirror on the Chevrolet S10 right at home with a few simple tools. Damage to the rear-view mirror can happen from suspending heavy items on its shaft. Other things like applying too much force to the rear-view mirror while adjusting it may cause it to fall off the windshield. Installing a new rear-view mirror or simply reinstalling the old mirror for the 98 Chevrolet S10 should take one hour or less to complete successfully.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Yardstick
  • Black wax pencil
  • Razor blade
  • Window-cleaning solution
  • 2 hand towels
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • 320-grit sandpaper
  • Rear-view mirror adhesive


  • Use a measuring tape to measure across the width of the windshield from the outside. The bottom of the windshield is wider than the top, so measure across the center. Use a black grease pencil to place a small vertical line on both sides of the measuring tape at the windshield's half-way point.

  • Place a yardstick vertically on the windshield slightly left of the two lines. Hold the yardstick firmly in place. Start at the bottom of the windshield and draw a line with the grease pencil all the way up to the roof.

  • Draw a second line before the yardstick’s removed that measures exactly 21 inches up the windshield. The second line should horizontally cross the first line on the windshield. The center of the two crossing lines marks the mounting position of the rear-view mirror.

  • Remove any leftover adhesive from the inside of the windshield with a razor blade. Wash the entire interior side of the windshield and properly dry it with a towel. Pour rubbing alcohol on a clean, new towel and wipe down the area where the rear-view mirror will be mounted.

  • Rip off a small piece of 320-grit sandpaper and sand the windshield lightly where the mirror will sit. Only sand a quarter-sized area on the windshield around the two intersecting grease-pencil lines. Wipe down the sanded area with rubbing alcohol.

  • Clean off any residue on the mirror’s mounting plate. Wipe it down with rubbing alcohol as well.

  • Apply a dime-sized amount of rear-view mirror adhesive on the mounting plate. Place the mounting plate into position on the windshield at the center of the two lines. The rounded side of the mounting plate should face upward. Hold the mounting plate firmly in position for 90 seconds before letting it go. Allow the adhesive to dry undisturbed for 45 minutes. Slide the mirror back on the mounting plate and secure it with its retaining screw.