The alternator in your Honda Civic recharges the battery as you drive, saving you from needing to frequently charge or jump a dead car. The alternator is necessary to run the car's computer, radio, headlights and all other electronic devices, including the starter motor. You can get a discount from most parts shops by removing the old alternator and trading it for a new one.
Loosen and disconnect the negative battery cable (the black cable) from the battery terminal. This will keep you from being shocked and draining your battery while you work. Use a jack or lift to raise the left front wheel of the Civic off the ground. Remove the lug nuts of the left front wheel and pull the wheel off of the car.
Locate and remove the adjuster bolt for the power steering pump. Pull the power steering pump drive belt off of the power steering pump pulley. Remove the power steering pump mounting bolt and and lock nut and pull the power steering pump out of the engine compartment.
Loosen and remove the nut that secures the electrical connection to the back of the alternator and disconnect the wiring harness from alternator's face.
Loosen and remove the alternator adjuster bolt. The alternator should move enough to remove the alternator drive belt from the alternator and air conditioning compressor pulleys.
Remove the upper and lower mounting bolts of the alternator and pull the alternator out of the car. Take the alternator to your local parts shop to obtain a replacement of the correct type and size for your Civic. Installation of the new alternator is the reverse of the alternator's removal.