How to Change a Starter on a 1996 Camry

How to Change a Starter on a 1996 Camry

When contemplating the changing of the starter on a 1996 Camry, it is advisable to check the fuse, relay, ignition switch and wiring first. All the items listed could cause the starter to fail to operate. Common symptoms of a bad starter are a loud clicking noise with no further action, a slow turning engine, a loud grinding noise when the starter is engaged or no response at all.

Things You'll Need

  • 3/8-inch drive ratchet
  • 3/8-inch drive socket set
  • Wrenches
  • Remove the positive and negative terminals on the battery. Remove the battery hold-down bracket by removing the two nuts on the vertical rods using a wrench. Lift the battery out of the vehicle. Remove the battery tray using a socket to remove the bolts.

  • Remove the cruise control cover using the appropriate socket to remove the bolts. Remove the three bolts securing the cruise control to its frame-mounted bracket using a socket. Lift the cruise control up, and remove the electrical plug from the cruise control. Lay the unit to the side out of the way.

  • Remove the cruise control bracket using a socket. Lift the bracket out of the way. Pull the small actuator wire off the S terminal on the starter solenoid.

  • Remove the large nut securing the main power wire to the back of the solenoid using a wrench. Remove the wire. Remove the two bolts securing the starter to the bellhousing using the appropriate socket. Remove the starter from the car.

  • Install the new starter in reverse order of removal.