How to program a Toyota keyless entry remote fob

How to program a Toyota keyless entry remote fob

Replacing a lost keyless entry fob at the dealer can cost more than $50 dollars and requires you to take time out of your day to go to the Toyota dealer. By obtaining a key fob on eBay or other sources on the internet, you can save time and lots of money.

Things You'll Need

  • A replacement Toyota keyless entry fob.
  • These instructions.
  • Start with the Driver door open and unlocked, with the key out of the ignition.

  • Insert the key into the ignition switch and remove it two times in 5 sec.

  • Close and open driver door two times in 40 sec.

  • Insert the key and remove it again from ignition.

  • Close and open driver door 2 times in 40 sec.

  • Insert the key in ignition.

  • Close the driver door.

  • Turn the ignition to on (One step from Off - do not turn to crank engine. If engine is cranked accidently, start over at step 1. and back to lock in 1 second intervals. 1 time for add a new fob, 2 times to rewrite all fobs, 3 for confirmation of programming and 5 for prohibition of programming. (There is no "4").

  • For add or rewrite mode within 40 sec of the confirmation,
    A. press "lock" and "unlock" buttons of the FOB at the same time between 1 and 1.5 seconds.
    B. within 3 sec press "Lock" button for more than 1 sec and release.
    C. If it's correct, the power door lock will cycle once. If it's wrong the door lock will cycle twice.

  • Remove the key from the ignition.

    The locks will cycle locked and unlocked to confirm programming.

  • Programming is now complete - congratulations you've done it yourself and saved some money.