How to Fill an Intrepid Radiator

How to Fill an Intrepid Radiator

When the temperature gauge in your car starts climbing, chances are your radiator needs to be filled. Cracks in the radiator, leaks in the hoses and poorly maintained seals can all cause fluid to leak, which can lead to a messy roadside situation and potentially damage your car. Filling the radiator on a Dodge Intrepid is a straightforward procedure that even a maintenance novice can perform on her own.

Things You'll Need

  • Radiator coolant (antifreeze)
  • Turn off the car and allow the engine to cool. Opening the radiator cap on a running or warm car is dangerous and can cause severe burns.

  • Open the hood of the car. This can be done as soon as the car is turned off, which will allow the engine to cool off more quickly.

  • Locate the white, plastic overflow container for radiator coolant. This is located near the edge of the hood opening in the front of the car. Touch the radiator cap to see if it is warm. If the cap is warm, allow the car to continue cooling--opening a warm radiator system can cause the liquid to explode.

  • Turn the radiator overflow cap one turn, then remove the cap carefully. Fill the reservoir with antifreeze up to the fill line located on the tank. Replace the metal cap and tighten securely.