The sensors in your 1999 CR-V control a variety of vehicle functions. TPS sensors control the position of the throttle and are located on the throttle body. Oxygen sensors are located on the exhaust and monitor the exhaust gases coming out of the engine. The idle air control valve on the engine block controls the idle of the engine, and the EGR valve recycles exhaust gases to be burned in the engine for a more complete and efficient burn before being expelled out of the tailpipe. When any of these sensors fails, you'll need to know how to replace them.
Locate the sensor you need to replace and unplug the electrical lead from the sensor. All of the sensors on your 1999 CR-V have a small electrical connector that plugs into the sensor.
Unbolt the sensor. All of the sensors on the CRV use a single bolt to secure them to their respective location. For the oxygen sensor, you need to unbolt the sensor itself with an O2 sensor socket in place of a traditional socket for the socket wrench.
Thread and tighten the new sensor using a socket wrench.
Reconnect the electrical connector to the sensor.