The 2006 PT Cruiser has three engine mounts--one on the top of the passenger side strut tower; one underneath the engine, firewall-side, attached just above the oil pan; and one on the driver's side fenderwell holding the transmission. In addition to these mounts, there is a torque strut--commonly called a dog bone because of its shape--located under the passenger side of the engine. This has no support function, only torsion movement. The upper, passenger motor mount is the mount with the most common failure rate and produces the most vibration.
Place the floor jack under the engine oil pan and raise the jack just enough to begin lifting the engine. The purpose of this is to just barely take the tension off the motor mount and hold the engine up when the mount is removed.
Hold the new motor mount up to the old mount while it is installed to get the proper orientation. This mount could be installed backward, which would support the engine but cause considerable vibration. Notice the rubber protruding outward on one side of the mount. This must face the engine to be correct.
Remove the upper bolt, which is inserted in the vertical position, using a socket. Remove the bolt closest to the engine. Right before the mount is removed, look at the engine side of the mount. Pay attention to where the bolt is located within the slot so the new mount can be positioned the same. This is for engine alignment.
Install the new mount using care to orient it correctly. Install the two bolts, align the slotted bolts by pushing on the motor, and tighten the bolts to 80 foot pounds. Lower the jack.