In 2005, Hyundai added a hatchback to the base model of the Elantra. It was well known for its fuel economy and its ease of handling. The Elantra utilized a central drive belt to power the alternator, fan and water pump, as well as a handful of other engine parts. The belt on an Elantra is crucial to its operation, and rough driving as well as overheating can lead to belt damage. If the belt goes out on the Elantra, it will cease to operate. The changing of the belt usually takes less than an hour.
Locate the tension pulley in the engine. The tension pulley is located directly behind the fan. It is 4 to 9 inches across.
Place the tension tool on the pulley and use it to remove the tension from the belt by applying pressure to the pulley, letting the tool act as a lever.
Make sure to draw a diagram of the pathway of the belt if there is no such diagram already on the front of the engine, then remove the belt. With the slack created from the pulley, it will easily slip off.
Loosen the adjuster bolt on the tension pulley bracket. Use the socket wrench and loosen the bolt until the pulley can move side to side.
Set the new belt onto the components and the pulley. Make sure to follow the diagram exactly.
Tighten the belt by placing the tension tool on the pulley and using the leverage to tighten the belt. With the belt held tight, tighten the adjuster bolt on the bracket. Release the tension pulley.