How to Fix the Odometer in a 1998 Ford Mustang

How to Fix the Odometer in a 1998 Ford Mustang

Ford Mustangs have been a staple of American car manufacturing for many decades, and they are beloved by their owners. Many of these owners are do-it-yourself types who would prefer to tackle smaller problems on their own rather than pay hundreds of dollars to a mechanic. One of these problems is a malfunctioning odometer, which occurs when the odometer gear is old and worn down, causing it to slip and work sporadically.

Things You'll Need

  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • Flat-head screwdriver
  • Odometer replacement gear
  • Remove the screws on the panel underneath the driver side dash, using a Phillips head screwdriver.

  • Remove the screws on the inside of the instrument cluster.

  • Remove the instrument cluster while providing some slack from the cables underneath the driver side dash.

  • Gently pry out the speedometer, using a flat-head screwdriver covered with a soft cloth.

  • Gently pull up on the trip meter reset button and the center of the speedometer needle to remove them.

  • Unscrew the two screws on the speedometer face, using a Phillips head screwdriver.

  • Pull off the circuit board and the motor on the back of the speedometer with your hands.

  • Remove the small plastic gear inside the motor housing and replace it with the new one.

  • Reattach the circuit board and motor and secure them in place by screwing in the two screws on the face of the speedometer.

  • Push the speedometer needle and trip reset button back into place.

  • Place the speedometer back into the instrument panel.

  • Place the instrument panel back into the instrument housing on your dashboard and screw it into place with the screws you removed in Step 2.

  • Place the panel you removed in Step 1 back under the driver's side dash and screw it into place.