Fixing an oil leak on your Honda Accord is crucial if you don't want your engine to suffer permanent damage from losing too much oil. If the engine loses all of its oil, it could overheat and seize, which would be very costly to repair. To prevent any damage from occurring, locate the source of the oil leak and fix it as soon as possible.
Open the hood and prop it.
Remove the oil cap and pour the contents of the UV dye into the crankcase.
Drive the car around the block a few times to allow the dye to circulate through the engine.
Jack up the Accord and place it on jack stands. Keep the engine running.
Wear the UV glasses and crawl beneath the engine.
Look for the source of the oil leak. The leak will be bright yellow because of the dye that you placed in the oil.
Replace the part that is causing the oil leak. Common sources of oil leaks are valve cover gaskets, rear main seals, front main seals, and oil pan gaskets.