How to Replace a Serpentine Belt on a PT Cruiser

How to Replace a Serpentine Belt on a PT Cruiser

Replacing the serpentine belt on your PT Cruiser is a key repair. Serpentine belts wear over time because of the heat in the engine bay and stress placed on the belt by continuous tension. The belt begins to crack and eventually breaks, causing engine accessories to fail. To prevent this scenario from happening and getting stranded, inspect your serpentine periodically and replace if necessary.

Things You'll Need

  • 3/8-inch ratchet
  • Serpentine belt
  • Open the hood and prop.

  • Place the square end of the ratchet into the belt tensioner and pull it upward. This will relieve tension on the belt and allow you to remove it.

  • Remove the belt from the engine but take care to remember the positioning of the belt and how it was routed around the various pulleys.

  • Pull up on the ratchet and install the new belt. If you don't remember how the belt should be routed, look for a diagram on the radiator support.

  • Release the tensioner to allow the belt to push firmly against all the pulleys.