It can be difficult to replace the serpentine belt on your Ford Contour. Though replacement has much in common with other manufacturers' replacement procedures, the Contour's tight engine compartment can complicate things. The secret to replacing the drive belt on the Contour is to remove and install the belt from the bottom. This may require a helping hand from a friend.
Raise and support the car with a floor jack and jack stands on the frame. Then remove the tire and inner splash shield to gain access to the belt tensioner.
Take note of the belt routing. You can find this information on a decal under the hood or in a service manual if the belt is missing. You can also find this information in an online manual. (See Resource for an example.)
Using a box-end wrench, compress the spring-loaded tensioner. While holding the wrench with one hand, slide the belt off the pulleys. The space between the engine and the frame of the car is very narrow, but with a little patience you can slip the belt out of the bottom a little at a time until it is clear of all obstructions.
Insert the new belt from the bottom, again working a little at a time until it is clear of obstructions, and wrap it over and around the pulleys. Leave the crankshaft pulley for last; for now just make sure the belt is centered on the accessory pulleys (such as those for the A/C, water pump, power steering and alternator).
Compress the spring-loaded tensioner, and slip the belt back onto the crankshaft pulley. It may be easier if you have a friend compress the tensioner from under the hood while you slip the belt on.
Replace the splash shield and wheel. Then lower the Contour and test-drive the vehicle.