The Chevrolet Camaro was first manufactured between 1967 and 2002 and is being revived for the 2010 model year. Most Camaros manufactured between 1992 and 1997 had an F-body LT1 engine, GM's generation II model. Removing an F-body LT1 engine requires access to the hood and underside of the car and several standard automotive tools.
If removing the engine through the bottom of the car, you will need socket wrenches, a jack and four stands, a stationary engine hoist, a fuel line tool and two extra wheels. The jack stands should be sturdy enough to hold the entire chassis for a long duration. For out-the-top removals, you will need the same wrenches and fuel line tool. However, you will need a mobile engine hoist and chain as well as a special twist hook tool to remove the engine out of the vehicle instead of dropping it to the floor. In both cases, you will need a cart to haul the engine away.
Raise the Camaro up on jacks starting with the rear end. Place one extra wheel under each rear wheel to securely hold the car in place while you work. Raise the front of the car on jacks and secure it. Disconnect the motor and transmission from the rest of the car, but keep them connected to one another until removed. Drain the oil, antifreeze and transmission fluids and reserve the liquids for later. Wheel the cart under the engine area and hook up the engine hoist. Raise the hoist slowly to lift the car, and then remove the front jack stands so that the car and engine rest on the cart. Unbolt the LT1 engine and disconnect it entirely from the car's chassis. Lift the chassis until it is higher than the engine's height. Wheel out the engine and keep it aside for now. Lower the chassis slowly. Place the Camaro back on the four jack stands, making sure it is level, and continue to work on replacing the engine.
Out-the-top LT1 engine removals are easier than bottom removals. Park the car and secure it without raising it on jacks. Remove the valve covers, pumps, plugs and damper before securing the twist hook tool to the engine. Then, with the engine secured to the mobile engine hoist, disconnect all of the remaining connections. Next, using the hook tool, twist the engine 90 degrees clockwise while it is still in the engine compartment so that it will fit through the space in the hood. Remove any tubes, wires and connections that block the LT1 engine's exit, then slowly hoist it from the chassis using the hook tool to steer it away from the windshield cowl and other components. Pull the engine away from the Camaro and lower it onto a cart for easy transportation before removing it from the engine hoist.