When most people think of exhaust systems on their vehicle, they think of mufflers, but an important component that comes before the muffler is the catalytic converter. The catalytic converter cleans the emissions and pollutants that are produced from the combustion engine. The catalytic converter is like a filter that captures carbon molecules. Replacing a Toyota Corolla's catalytic converter may be necessary if your car is driving sluggishly and there are increased emissions coming out of your muffler. Mechanics can perform an emissions test on your vehicle's exhaust to make sure it is your catalytic converter that is the problem. Replacing a Toyota Corolla's catalytic converter is easy to do in your own driveway.
Go to your local auto store. Buy the proper model of catalytic converter for your Toyota Corolla.
Slide under the Toyota Corolla. Find the catalytic converter. It is 3 to 4 feet behind the muffler and approximately 1 foot behind the engine.
Unscrew the four bolts holding the front of the catalytic converter to the exhaust pipe coming from the engine. Unscrew the four bolts holding the back of the catalytic converter to the exhaust pipe going to the muffler.
Place the new catalytic converter in place of the old one. It will only line up with the bolt holes in the correct direction. Screw the four bolts into the front and the back of the catalytic converter.