The clutch slave cylinder in a Saturn needs to be bled anytime you change the clutch fluid or the cylinder. If air is trapped in the clutch fluid lines, the clutch will not engage properly and it could cause the transmission gears to grind due to an insufficient separation of the clutch assembly from the transmission.
Slide the box end wrench over the top of the bleeder valve on the clutch slave cylinder. The slave cylinder on many Saturn vehicles will be on the passenger side down by the wheel well, although the exact location will vary according to the model. The bleeder valve is a small screw with a hole in the top of it.
Place the tubing over the top of the valve opening. Make sure it fits snug and won't come off.
Place the other end of the tubing into the catch pan or glass jar.
Have an assistant pump the clutch several times and then hold the clutch pedal to the floor.
Open the bleeder valve by turning the screw counterclockwise. You will notice some fluid and air bubbles coming out of the valve. This is normal.
Close the valve by turning the screw clockwise.
Tell the assistant to let their foot off the clutch pedal.
Repeat steps 4 through 7 until all of the air is out of the lines (no more air bubbles coming through the plastic tubing). Periodically, check the fluid levels in the clutch master cylinder on the firewall. The cap on the cylinder should be marked as clutch fluid. Make sure that the fluid levels do not drop below the lower mark on the reservoir tank.