The power brake booster provides vacuum to the brake system so that it's easier to stop the 1995 Ford Thunderbird (also referred to as the T-bird). The booster is mounted on the firewall of the T-bird on the driver's side of the engine bay behind the brake master cylinder and looks like a large, round, black metal disk with a hose coming out of it. You'll have to remove the master cylinder to get to the booster. This job is quite challenging, especially for a novice, and will take you several hours to do correctly if you've never done this before.
Mark the location of all of the brake lines running into the brake master cylinder using masking tape and permanent marker.
Slide the tube nut wrench over the brake line running to the brake master cylinder. Orient the wrench so that it fits over the end of the tube nut.
Turn the nut counterclockwise to remove it from the master cylinder.
Pull the brake lines out of the master cylinder.
Remove the bolts holding the master cylinder to the brake booster.
Remove the mounting bolts on the brake booster that secure it to the firewall.
Remove the cotter pin running through the head of the pin that connects the brake booster diaphragm to the back of the brake pedal with a pair of pliers.
Remove the brake booster diaphragm pin.
Remove the bolts inside the driver foot well that secure the brake booster to the firewall.
Install a new power brake booster. Installation is the reverse of removal.